Sep 30, 2015 10:25AM
Scientists have found a set of lymphatic vessels that directly connect the brain to the immune system, opening new dimensions in disease research.
Two nasty strains of gut bacteria significantly increase the chances of getting colon cancer, University of Minnesota scientists have found.
Large doses of opioid medication significantly increase the danger of depression, a Veterans Administration study has found.
After major surgery, children that listened to their favorite music or an audio book felt significantly less pain.
Sep 02, 2015 11:08AM
Certified Professional Hypnotherapist Rose Siple of Thought Alchemy’s Transformation Center works with smokers that want to quit.
Aug 31, 2015 10:55AM
Compared to chronic-pain patients, yoga practitioners have more desirable grey matter in key brain regions, Duke researchers report.
In a seven-year study, Mexican-American women that often sipped chamomile tea dramatically reduced their rate of an earlier demise.
Particulates in the air can triple the stroke incidence among people that breathe it long-term.
Just 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise six days a week reduced risk of early mortality by 40 percent for men during a four-decade Norwegian study.
Plants absorb nicotine when they are mulched with tobacco leaves or subjected to cigarette smoke.
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