Aug 31, 2018 01:19PM
Adults that were spanked as children turned out to have a higher risk of depression, suicide attempts, drinking and drug use, according to University of Michigan researchers.
A naturally occurring compound found abundantly in wild berries increases the cancer-fighting ability of sirtuin 6 enzymes.
People that meditated in a three-month retreat enjoyed cognitive gains in sustained attention that lasted to some degree for seven years.
Australian seniors reported feeling more fit, energetic and flexible after taking 10 ballet classes over three months.
When used alone or with other therapies, acupuncture lowered autism markers in Korean children.
Aug 31, 2018 11:51AM
Elderly women that eat lots of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage have less plaque on their carotid artery walls.
Jul 31, 2018 01:13PM
Without adequate amounts of magnesium in the body, vitamin D supplements can’t be metabolized; high amounts may even increase the risk of vascular calcification.
A recent meta-study concluded that turmeric has proved effective in treating acne, mouth inflammation, itchy skin and psoriasis, among other conditions.
A diet rich in fish, potatoes, fruit, vegetables, legumes and olive oil significantly lowered the risk of aggressive prostate cancer in older Spanish men.
By drinking one or more sugary sodas a day, women are a quarter less likely to become pregnant and men are a third less likely to father a child.
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