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Natural Awakenings Greater Boston - Rhode Island

Unconscious Alignment

Call it serendipity, coincidence, the law of attraction or whichever else might resonate more for you if you believe in that stuff. Today, I call it unconscious alignment. 

Admittedly, I write this letter to you each month far past our scheduled deadline. I surely stress out my faithful colleagues who are responsible for cleaning it up editorially and laying it out on the page every month. I’ve called it the “bane of my existence” since its first writing in March of 2011 when the first Greater Boston edition hit the streets. How could it ever be anything else as I’ve drilled that statement into my psyche for so long!

On January 30,  I stumbled across a 20-minute recording on YouTube entitled, Neville Goddard Mental Diets. Neville Goddard’s authoritative work revolves around the concept that we create our reality through our thoughts and words, and more importantly, the feelings and emotions surrounding them.

Since hearing that talk, I was drawn deeper; seeking out other recordings from the author.  I came across a narrated version of his 14-page book, Feeling is the Secret, originally published in 1944. Already familiar with the book having it been assigned reading during a class I took at a local spiritual center some years ago, I became curious to listen to the 40-minute video read-through for a refresh.

During this first of many listens to this recording since then, I would embark on a quest to prove this theory of “thoughts become things” for myself more pointedly. I selected a very specific and singular aspect of my experience that I would like to see change. I tend to spread myself thin frequently and became aware that if I were to prove this to myself, I could only focus on one aspect of life during this experiment.

It was just a few short days of careful attention to my thoughts around this subject before I started to notice situations and circumstances “serendipitously” occurring through unconscious alignment—things that were undeniably aligned with my new thoughts. With these small wins becoming apparent so swiftly, I became more committed to practicing catching my negative thoughts. When the awareness of thoughts that were the opposite of what I desired showed up, I started gently taking control of my mind to change them. The results have left me gobsmacked. 

Our feature story, “You Are What You Eat … and Think, See, Hear, Say and Feel,” by Katie Cavenagh, was not planned for this special Annual Healthy Living Directory edition. In fact, it came in just a few days ago from one of my fellow Natural Awakenings publishers in CT. This was the first time we’ve shared content between the two local editions.

It’s not lost on me that this unexpected piece of editorial, as you may suspect, connects precisely to the topic of my experiment. It reassures me that I’m on the right track and that I have far greater control of my outside circumstances than previously accepted, despite past awareness of these concepts.

I’ll continue to hold this current experiment close to the vest while strengthening the mental muscles required to solidify lasting positive results. The energy seems to dissipate and fizzle out when sharing too much too soon. That’s an addendum to this thought experiment that I’ve tacked on. I’ll be sure to follow up when it’s time to shift focus to another area of life where I’d like to see some lasting improvements.

As always, thank you for your readership and support of our advertising partners. Without them, we could not bring this resource to you each month. Please do let them know that you’ve found them here.

We hope you enjoy getting a deeper look at the local wellness practitioners and businesses that have contributed Profiles and Directory Listings for this special edition.

The sky is the limit—may we each embrace our potential and create a more joyful experience in the process.

Peace & Love,


Maisie Raftery, Publisher