Oct 31, 2017 12:55PM
A Canadian meta-analysis of 45 studies found that former and occasional drinkers have a 45 percent greater risk of heart disease than non-drinkers.
Japanese financial workers that worked more than 45 hours of overtime a month had more than twice the tooth decay as those with no overtime.
People with mild cognitive impairment that exercised aerobically four times a week for six months had increases in overall brain volume and gray matter and enjoyed better cognitive functioning.
The cell walls of cranberries contain a compound that acts as a prebiotic by feeding more nutrients to the “good bacteria” in our gut.
Japanese cardiovascular patients admitted to an intensive care unit that received acupuncture and traditional herbal medicine daily along with conventional care had about a sixth the rate of delirium as a control group.
Asthma patients given 500 milligrams of black cumin oil twice a day for four weeks had better functioning lungs and normalized levels of disease-fighting white blood cells.
Sep 29, 2017 07:19PM
Chinese researchers have determined that oral resveratrol passes through the brain to the eyes, where it may prevent vision degeneration.
Patients that listened to a half-hour of music soon after spinal fusion surgery reported lower levels of pain.
Heart attack hospital admissions declined in New York counties that banned trans fat food in restaurants.
After six months of hour-long walks three times a week, patients with early symptoms of dementia found it easier to focus and make decisions.
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