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Natural Awakenings Greater Boston - Rhode Island

Ending the Reaction Cycle

Sometimes, I feel like an absolute mental case! Then I remember, I’m just a human being doing the best she can do with what she’s got … just like everyone else on this planet!

While hardly what one might consider a traumatic experience on the Impact of Events Scale (IES) or any other scale for that matter, I recently became aware of something that has irritated me for as long as I can remember and that I was just plain sick of experiencing. 

For some background on the story, my dear peep Wendy introduced me to a nervous system reset workshop offered by The Reconnected, a team of breathwork practitioners and teachers from Australia. The practice helps participants learn to regulate their own nervous system through gentle breathwork, journaling exercises and in-app community support.

As I began practicing and paying closer attention to irritating life experiences that could set me off, or spark angry or frustrated emotions, it came time to empty the dishwasher.

I had run the dishwasher, and upon realizing it had completed its cycle, I saw myself instantly react, becoming intensely aggravated and even angry about the thought of having to empty it. It dawned on me that I had experienced that same reaction virtually every single previous time. 

So I decided to pause and try to figure out why this was happening because it just seemed so silly to get mad over something so trivial. That’s when I remembered … you don’t get to go out and play until you empty the dishwasher!

Seemingly miraculously, the rebel-child grip dissipated as I remembered the will of that fresh little mini-me and her frustration and anger at her mom for daring to hold her back from playing with friends and enjoying the outdoors.

After that, it was pretty simple to reframe my mindset for the next time the dishwasher was full. As I pressed the buttons to start the next cycle, I had to chuckle at how I had tortured myself so needlessly for so long. The chuckle came again when the cycle finished, and I promptly unloaded the dishes and gave myself a pat on the back for following through. Here’s to baby steps!

In our feature story, we explore the impact of trauma on our lives and the various integrative methods available for healing. In “Stopping the Trauma Cycle,” Carrie Gauthier discusses mind-body healing strategies that can help break the cycle of trauma, emphasizing the importance of addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of recovery.

We hope this issue inspires you to explore new ways to nurture your body, mind and spirit. As always, we are grateful for your continued support and engagement.



Maisie Raftery, Publisher