IV Nutrition Therapy Can Boost the Immune System

The Ivy Drip Bar & Wellness Center, in Belmont, Massachusetts, can help boost and support our immune system with their intravenous (IV) nutrition therapy treatments. “IV treatments increase your body’s defenses,” cites owner Dr. Meredith Scannell, a 35-year healthcare veteran with a Ph.D. in nursing and an extensive background as an advanced practice nurse and certified nurse midwife. “This is one of the most efficient ways to obtain key and essential vitamins and nutrients through quick and maximal absorption capacity.”
Ivy Drip’s Natural Defense Drip contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C), zinc chloride, thiamine HCL (vitamin B1), niacin (vitamin B3), riboflavin (vitamin B2), dexapanthenol (vitamin B5) and more. Typical treatment entails placement of a small IV catheter in the arm or hand with the infusion beginning slowly and gradually increasing for a total of 30 to 60 minutes.
During the aging process, our immune system can weaken and many are depleted in vitamin C. IV therapy can help the body to function better and decrease the duration of flu and cold-like symptoms. “In combination with getting enough sleep, staying fit and eating right, IV treatments can supply you with the exact right vitamins and minerals to stop you from getting sick quick,” asserts Scannell. “And it’s a good way to avoid spending money on a list of medications or multiple doctor visits.”
Location: 7 Brighton St., Belmont, MA. For more information, to make an appointment or for a free initial consultation, call/text 617-221-5070 or visit TheIvyDripBar.net.