November Reiki Certification Courses

Certified Reiki Masters Krystal Sunshine, owner of Grit Grace Flow, and Evan Ettinger,
with a background in collegiate optical and audio engineering before embarking
on his spiritual journey, will co-lead two courses for certification to be a
Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Level I practitioner from 7 to 10 p.m. on November 11, 2023,
and noon to 4 p.m. on November 12, 2023, to be a Level II practitioner at The Studio
at NBX, in Narragansett, Rhode Island. Together, they facilitate unique and
magical transformational experiences for navigating life’s natural cycles.
has been teaching yoga since 2016, is a Registered 200 RYT with Yoga Alliance,
Pranayama Guide, a certified Reiki Master in the Usui System of Natural
Healing, a certified Mediator through CMCRI and a certified Aerial Yoga
Teacher. She facilitates workshops and sound journeys to support others on
their own healing paths that forge connections with their inner selves, boost
vitality and find inner peace.
Ettinger, is a Reiki Master, DJ, writer and
inspirational speaker, using internal and external frequencies to facilitate
movements of self-discovery via ecstatic dance, workshops and multiple
modalities of energy transmutation. Reborn as a vibrational alchemist after
studying energy most of his life, Evan aka Risin Son combines physics and
metaphysics, moving towards non-duality.
Cost: Reiki I and II, $333; Reiki I or II, $188.
Location: 922 Boston Neck Rd., Narragansett, RI. For more information or to register, call 914-707-4005, email [email protected] or visit