Thriving With Multiple Sclerosis: How to Reduce Inflammation and Promote Neuroregeneration
Feb 28, 2023 09:30AM ● By Noelle Citarella, RDN, CDN, IFNCP
For people with multiple sclerosis (MS), the concept of “thriving” is
becoming increasingly attainable thanks to advances in
lifestyle-related research. While MS is not yet curable, life choices
that reduce inflammation and promote neuroregeneration can slow or
reverse disease progression. This is great news for nearly 1 million
Americans living with MS, as estimated by a 2019 National Multiple
Sclerosis Association study.
Tony Ferro, the founder of Change MS,
credits diet modifications for improving his own symptoms of numbness,
tingling, blurred vision, extreme fatigue, brain fog and depression. “It
was hard work, but the more I learned and understood, the more I
applied and the better I felt,” he says. Recognizing the transformative
power of behavioral and attitudinal choices, his nonprofit helps people
with MS adopt a wellness mindset and learn strategies to achieve their
fullest potential.
According to a 2018 review article published in Current Nutrition Reports,
a number of recent studies provide strong preliminary evidence that
diet can influence the rise and progression of MS and its symptoms.
Large-scale clinical trials are needed to be certain, but the emerging
research suggests that the right foods not only provide essential
nutrients for cellular function and repair, but also offer
anti-inflammatory effects that slow MS activity, protect the nervous
system from further damage and allow for nervous system repair.
study spearheaded by Terry Wahls, M.D., at the University of Iowa,
found a significant improvement in fatigue, quality of life and mental
health in MS patients following a modified paleo diet that was rich in
certain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes that have been found
to support energy production and nerve repair.
Eating to Reduce Inflammation
should make up the bulk of each meal, followed by a smaller portion of
fruits. Eat many different-colored varietals to benefit from a full
gamut of bioactive compounds. Consume sulfur-rich foods like broccoli,
cabbage, asparagus and leafy greens daily.
protein is essential, including omega-3-rich fish, like salmon, twice
weekly. Saturated fats found in butter, cheese and red meat are
associated with inflammation and should be limited. Use olive oil, which
contains more than 30 neuroprotective antioxidants and has been shown
to reduce inflammation and promote immune tolerance.
An elimination diet may identify food triggers that exacerbate MS symptoms.
Maintaining a Healthy Microbiome.
people need 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily. Consume fermented foods,
such as pickled vegetables and kefir, as well as prebiotic ingredients
like onions, garlic, oats, bananas, apples, cocoa and flax seeds. The
microbial fermentation of prebiotic fiber and phytonutrients produces
beneficial byproducts including vitamin K, biotin, neurotransmitters
like dopamine and serotonin, and short-chain fatty acids, which help
promote gut integrity, mood, immune balance and overall health.
Fasting Regularly
have found that fasting for 12 to 16 hours increases cell repair and
positively impacts hormone balance, metabolism and weight. Start with an
overnight fast of 12 hours and slowly extend the fasting period one
hour at a time to lengthen the body repair window.
Improving Sleep
body does most of its restorative work while we sleep. Adequate,
quality slumber is crucial for healthy immune function, balanced
hormones and tissue repair. Ensure that the bedroom is quiet, dark and
cool. To keep circadian cycles on track, get a daily dose of sunlight.
Consider taking melatonin, L-theanine, lemon balm, holy basil, reishi
mushrooms or other natural supplements recommended by a healthcare
provider, as needed.
Remaining Active
people with MS, regular physical activity can improve their quality of
life. According to Dr. Lacey Bromley, a physical therapist who
specializes in neurological rehabilitation, “Study after study examining
the influence of exercise and physical rehabilitation on persons with
MS continue to provide positive outcomes. With the correct
rehabilitation program, there is ample opportunity for the central
nervous system to recover lost function by enhancing previous motor
programs or developing new neural pathways.”
Staying Hydrated
are essential for important bodily functions, including digestion,
nutrient absorption, temperature regulation and toxin excretion. They
also help prevent constipation.
Bladder dysfunction, a
common MS symptom, leads many patients to restrict fluid intake. This
is inadvisable because even mild dehydration can promote fatigue, cause
urinary tract infections and impair cognitive function and exercise
performance. A better approach is to decrease caffeine and alcohol
consumption while slowly increasing fluid intake to build up a tolerance
for additional fluids.
A Life Worth Living
focusing more attention on the delights that can be added rather than
what is taken away, people with MS can move forward on a much brighter
“We want to support our cells, brain and body
with the nutrients we need to thrive, not just survive,” Ferro says.
“Make small, obtainable goals, stay consistent and keep a journal to
track your food, symptoms and journey along the way.”
Citarella is a registered dietitian specializing in neurological
nutrition and autoimmune disease in the Buffalo, N.Y., area.