Freshen Up Dry Winter Feet
Ivy Drip Bar & Wellness Center now offers the award-winning product Baby
Foot containing 16 types of natural extracts that exfoliate and moisturize the
feet at the same time. This helps remove extra dead skin and minimize calluses
that have built up over the years.
foot peel contains fruit acid, which penetrates dead skin layers and breaks
down the bonds that keep those layers attached to the foot, leaving behind a
fresh, new layer of skin underneath. After the one-hour treatment, feet are
fresh and clean, just like a baby's.
Ivy Drip Bar provides a range of IV nutrient and vitamin infusions and
injections as well as aesthetic treatments. Nutrient drips are a safe and
effective method of replenishing the body’s fluids, vitamins, minerals and
amino acids more readily, helping with a wide range of ailments and enhancing
health. Combine with a Baby Foot treatment for a relaxing self-care session.
Cost: $25. Location: 7 Brighton St., Belmont, MA. For more information and a free
consultation, call/text 617-221-5070 or visit