The Positive Ripple Effect of Conscious Healing

message of hope delivered to us this month in, “Doing Good for the World: A Conscious Ownership of Earth,” by Courtney V. Lindop, is a refreshing reminder
that there are still many opportunities for us humans to do our part in healing
Mother Earth. More than that is the implication of similar opportunities for
personal healing.
The conscious healing of one's self, in
turn, supports the healing of those around us with ripple effects that expand
naturally to our planet. I’ve long soothed personal pains, be it a feeling of
being wronged by another, or even through witnessing the atrocities in our
world which continue to this day, with the belief that “hurt people, hurt
I’m so grateful to be a part of the Natural
Awakenings family of communities around the country that work hard to bring
solutions forward which can help others heal on any level desired. The articles
and advertisers we bring forward each month share one intrinsically critical
value and that is a genuine desire to help others improve quality of life no
matter where one is beginning.
Locally this month, in addition to
Courtney’s contribution from Body and Brain Yoga and Tai Chi, we hear from
Amparo David, the founder and owner of Dentistry by Dr. David and the TMJ &
Sleep Therapy Centre of New England. Amparo helps educate us on choosing the
right products for holistic oral hygiene.
Alora Frederick of Johnson Compounding andWellness, enlightens us on some of the interrelated systems within the body and
the massively complex systems that work together to help or to harm depending
on what we provide the body nutritionally.
This month’s Business Spotlight features a
team of healers that have dedicated their lives to helping others through
touch. Don’t miss this special feature on It’s Your Body’s Symphony, where the
healing hands are eager to support you with a variety of healing modalities.
Remember that our advertising partners
make it possible for us to continue bringing Natural Awakenings to the
community so don’t forget to let them know where you found them.
Here’s to the change of seasons with high
hopes of you finding a helpful nugget within the following pages.

Maisie Raftery, Publisher