Body & Brain: Connecting Through Mindful Exercise
Aug 31, 2022 09:31AM ● By Wendy Nadherny Fachon
Body & Brain is an international organization that offers a unique blend of yoga, tai chi, meditation and breathwork instruction. The body and brain are deeply connected, and mindful movement can positively influence the condition of the brain. Through online and in-studio classes, Body & Brain allows people to connect their minds back to the self, the body and the physical breath. Trained instructors use simple and powerful techniques and adjust them to fit different ability levels and conditions in four areas of concentration:
• Yoga increases strength, flexibility and centeredness.
• Tai chi and qigong improve body alignment, balance, energy circulation (qi or ki) and physical stamina.
• Meditation builds energy awareness and helps promote peace of mind, inspiration and joy.
• Breathwork energizes, restores, recharges and increases concentration and awareness.
Founded on tai chi principles, Body & Brain’s practices help to balance energy, open the body and soften tension. All classes integrate proper breathing, which is vital to health. These various practices will help people to deepen, expand and shift the breath, which in turn will begin to help alleviate a broad range of physical and mental challenges.
Body & Brain is excited to share a new resource, Brain Education TV, a YouTube channel created to provide mental health and mental wellness videos to help young adults with loneliness, depression and anxiety. These free, short videos, however, will appeal to anyone looking to improve health through exercising the brain and body connection.
The channel offers tips, exercises, stories and conversations to break the silence on mental health. The content comes from a South Korean academic study backed by more than 40 years of research at top universities and application by millions around the world. The mission of Brain Education TV is to create a world where everyone can live in health, happiness and peace with self-worth and confidence.
Start watching these empowering videos at
Locations in Brookline, Arlington, Cambridge and Riverwalk. Visit to find class times at a nearby location.