Story Walking Radio Hour

simple act of stepping outside to engage one’s senses with the outer world
opens the mind to possibility. Story walking is a creative process that leads
to magical, outside-of-the-box thinking. It may involve noticing little clues
while out walking and considering how such clues can help answer a pressing
question, or it may involve searching the natural world for problem solving
Story Walking Radio Hour is also
a monthly environmental radio talk show and podcast series, hosted by Wendy
Nadherny Fachon, a Rhode Island environmental educator. Each episode begins
with a story walking adventure that sets the stage for a special guest whose
life and work have been inspired by nature. The most recent podcast, titled
“Empowering Children to Care for the Planet,” features the nature-inspired
children’s book, The Paper Doll Kids, and co-author Deborah Beauvais, founder of the Kids 4 Love Project.
story is about children from around the world coming up with creative solutions
to help save planet Earth and all its inhabitants. It is a wonderful book for
parents to read aloud and discuss with their kids, and it supports the story
walking mission, which is to inspire people of all ages to participate in
co-creating a greener, healthier, more vibrant economy.
The Story Walking Radio Hour airs every Monday at 9
a.m. and 9 p.m. on the Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network, and the podcasts are
available for free on the Story Walking archives. For more information, visit