Finding Solutions that Lead to Harmony
In preparation for selecting the
specific content for the magazine each month, I receive the gift of assisting
our editor in reviewing and selecting the snippets of cutting-edge information
we bring to readers through Health and Global Briefs.
As with all editorial, we work hard
to offer helpful tips for healthy living which bring a feeling of gratitude
within the reader for obtaining the information. We seek to provide content
that helps people consider solutions to potential health conditions or improve
their overall well-being.
It’s not always easy when sometimes
the news seems dismal. Agree or disagree though, I believe anything is possible
and there is always a solution that can lead to harmony down the road. Perhaps
that’s the Pollyanna in me or maybe it’s the part of me that knows that there
is always at least a glimmer of light at the end of every tunnel.
The Global Brief, “Shell Game,” was
the spark for this reflection as it brought up both positive and negative
emotions for me. In brief, the U.S. Dept of Agriculture has changed the name of
the controversial, “Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)” to “Bioengineered”.
At first, I was angered and irritated
by an intense negative judgement and assumption that behind this new identity
for GMOs is a master-manipulative marketing plan to confuse consumers with a simple rebrand. Once the initial disgust wore off, gratitude for the opportunity to
share this information with you came to mind.
Knowing that many of our readers love
to share the tidbits of information they pick up through Natural Awakenings
makes it all the sweeter. Though mostly an idealist, the realist in me accepts
that there may always be deception behind mass agendas. This only lights the
fire and increases the passion that inspires our mission to inform, educate and
provide helpful alternatives for our community.
As always, may you find something
within these pages that lifts you up in some way, shape or form.
Maisie Raftery, Publisher