On the Cover: Blue Sugar Skull by Kay Larch
Raised in Southern California by two
artists, Kay Larch says she didn’t
follow in their footsteps. She grew up,
started a family, moved to South Carolina and built a daycare center that she
owned and operated. She filled the center with wall murals
and did painting activities and after-school art classes with the kids,
but she never considered herself an
artist. She found ways to express her
creative need for colorful and elaborate surroundings through painting
projects she did for fun.
One day, Larch decided to create a
series of acrylic paintings on canvas.
Out of curiosity, she submitted her
work to a gallery. It was accepted for a
show, which led to being featured in an
article about the museum, interviews,
commissioned work, more shows and
the launching of her career as an artist
at age 54.
Larch is immersed in the art community, has added oil painting and drawing to her repertoire, and creates in a
variety of styles. Her acrylic paintings
have a comic-book style, while her oil
paintings lean more toward realism.
She admits she was influenced by
growing up as a California hippie, traveling to Tijuana and seeing the vibrant
colors of Mexican folk art and simply
being an imaginative person. Her
work has been featured in galleries,
businesses and magazines and she
sells original paintings, prints, greeting cards and a line of coloring books,
in addition to commissioned work for
people all around the world.
Find Kay Larch on Instagram
(@KayLarch-Studio) or connect at Facebook.com/KayLarchStudio.