It’s Not Your Grandparents’ Funeral Anymore

Joshua Slocum, executive director
of the National Funeral Consumers’ Alliance, will present It’s Not Your
Grandparents’ Funeral Anymore at 2 p.m., November 6, 2021, at the North Providence
Union Free Library. Attendance via Zoom will also be available.
His topics will include end-of-life
options gaining popularity, preparing for end-of-life issues in these
unprecedented times, national issues regarding funerals since the pandemic with
time for questions and answers following the presentation. Slocum co-authored a
book with Lisa Carlson titled, Final Rights: Reclaiming
the American Way of Death.
Free. Location: 1810 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence, RI. For more
information, call 401-884-1131 or visit