Learn Basic Homeopathy

certified homeopath Vandana Pitke from 11 a.m. to noon, April 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2021, for a four-part virtual workshop series to learn the basics of homeopathy. This series is good for parents that
want to gain confidence in using homeopathy at home for minor, acute conditions
such as injuries, flu, cold, cough and diarrhea, among others.
will learn what remedies to use in some of the minor, acute health conditions
or first aids for injuries. Various conditions and remedies, along with the
indications of 20 remedies in general, will be discussed over the four weeks.
is Homeopathy Awareness month and April 10 is Hahnemann day, or World
Homeopathy Day. Money from that class will go to homeopathy research and
homeopathy institutes.
Cost: $60 for
the series. Location: Zoom. For more information, call 401-573-3757 or visit OmHomeopathy.com.