Eat Local MA Mobile App Launches for 2020 Campaign

Sustainable Business Network’s (SBN) fourth annual Eat Local MA campaign has been expanded from August through September this year. The campaign includes a number of online purchasing opportunities and virtual events that aim to increase marketing exposure for local food businesses during the economic crisis, encourage restaurants to source from local farms and fisheries, and incentivize consumers to purchase more food that is grown and harvested in Massachusetts and greater New England.
Starting this month, the campaign will feature the launch of the Eat Local MA mobile app, which will allow consumers to search for local food options including farmers’ markets, farm stands, fisheries and restaurants. By downloading the app and signing up to participate in Eat Local MA, participants are eligible to win prizes.
Participation is free for all groups. To win prizes, consumers will submit either pictures of their local food receipts or pictures at consumer-facing establishments. This campaign is meant for businesses that sell direct-to-consumer or farmers’ markets.
Cost: Free to participate; price of meals and food items vary. Locations throughout Massachusetts. For more information, visit