New Online Course Launches For Cancer Survivors and Those Interested in Prevention

First established at Concord Hospital, in New Hampshire, the Anticancer Lifestyle Program (ACLP) has been adapted into an online lifestyle transformation course for cancer survivors, and those interested in prevention, who seek to adopt healthy habits that reduce their risk of cancer and other chronic illnesses. Using interactives, animation, fun quizzes, video and other multimedia tools, participants receive the tools and information necessary to make and sustain lifestyle changes in the areas of diet, fitness, mindset and environment.
“Our experts teach course participants evidence-based ways to reduce inflammation and improve the body’s natural defenses against disease,” says Meg Hirshberg, founder of the program. Many cancer survivors—as well as others looking to reduce their risk of chronic illness—are seeking good, validated information presented in a way they can understand and digest.
The self-paced course is designed to supplement any necessary medical treatment and to empower participants to take an active role in their health and well-being. Participants routinely report feeling empowered by the course, and if they already have a cancer diagnosis, they feel less victimized by their disease.
Cost: $19.95 for 90-day access to all five course modules, with free access to those who cannot afford the course. For more information and to access course, visit