There’s A Lot To Be Thankful
There’s a lot to be thankful for in this November edition. Foodie April Thompson brings joy to the season’s table with her perspective on “Zenful Eating: Mindful Meals in Quiet Gratitude,” Three of the nation’s top Zen chefs share their wisdom about being grateful, present and peaceful at mealtime—just in time for Thanksgiving. |
Meantime, Ronica O’Hara offers parental tips for instilling thankfulness—one of the most teachable, grow-able strengths—in our children. “Kids With Gratitude: Making Thankfulness Second Nature” is based on emerging research that shows gratitude to be one of the easiest, most effective ways to kick-start happiness and well-being—at any age. Benedictine monk Brother David Steindl-Rast, a leading figure in a worldwide gratitude movement, puts it all in perspective in this month’s Inspiration piece: "Enough for All: In Pursuit of Grateful Living."
Aside from having the courtesy of gratitude toward others instilled growing up when given a gift or even a kind gesture, I don’t recall my parents creating rituals around giving thanks even at the holiday. Gratitude, as a practice, came much later in life for me through spiritual studies and is something I’ve been developing with daily reminders to look for at least three things to be thankful for each day. I’m noticing that the more gratitude I feel, the more opportunities to express gratitude show up.
Thankfully, unlike many, sleep has always come pretty easy for me. This month’s feature, “Chasing ZZZZZs: How to Put Insomnia to Rest,” examines the many contributors and adverse health effects of compromised sleep, along with natural pathways to a good night’s rest. One of those considerations—optimizing thyroid function—is covered in-depth in our Healing Ways article, “The Happy Thyroid: Seven Ways to Keep It Humming.”
We’re also happy to share with you some new twists to old traditions. In “Antiques Rising: Discovering the Green in ‘Brown’ Furniture,” Green Living writer Yvette Hammett explains how Millennials (aka The Ikea Generation) are beginning to discover that Grandma’s old China cabinet might be pretty cool after all—and sturdy, well-made, eco-friendly and oh-so-upcyclable.
Here’s to hoping we all find something to be grateful for during this holiday season!