GreenChoice Launches Grocery Shopping App
GreenChoice has launched the first version of its free mobile app which empowers consumers to make informed food choices that align with their dietary needs, health goals, personal values and budget.
“Stepping into a grocery store, we’re flooded with product options, many of which use misleading claims and buzzwords to draw us in. Deciphering labels is exhausting and often leads to misinformed choices,” says Galen Karlan-Mason, GreenChoice’s founder and CEO.
GreenChoice aggregates and analyzes data on diet, health, sustainability and ethics from countless federal agencies, research institutes and nonprofits, third-party certifiers and news reports. “We convert disparate and convoluted food data into actionable, personalized information for consumers,” says Karlan-Mason.
Users can scan, search or browse products to see product insights and Green-Scores for the food safety, processing concerns, nutritional value and environmental impact of more than 50,000 food and beverage products. Users are also able to input any allergies or dietary restrictions they have, and the app will alert them anytime a product conflicts with their dietary preferences. Users can compare prices across different retailers and build shopping lists for in-store or online shopping. And users can earn rewards from local businesses for buying products that score well.
Cost: Free. Visit to download the GreenChoice app.