Four-Week Bilingual Spiritual Book Study

Rev. Olga Silva and Rev. Natalia deRezendes
Rev.Olga Silva and Rev. Natalia deRezendes will facilitate a four-week bilingual (English and Spanish) intense study of This Thing Called You, by Ernest Holmes, a 1948 text revealing profound mysticism. The course of study will take place from 6 to 8 p.m., November 12, 19 and 26, and December 3, at Concordia Center for Spiritual Living, in Warwick.
This text is an intimate guide through which readers learn the most important lesson of how they are an immutable part of the flow of life, and how they may fulfill the longing within us all to live more fully. The book details methods of meditation used for healing, improving the mind and body, and reaching one’s divine self. Included are numerous inspirations, meditations and prayers that individuals can apply to their lives which reveal the unlimited potential of the spiritual psychology that Holmes founded in religious science.
Cost: $100. Location: 292 West Shore Rd., Warwick. To register, call 401-732-1552.