Soul Path Renewal Retreat Returns to Ferry Beach

Gail McMeekin
Soul Path Renewal will be holding a workshop from August 20 to 24, at the Ferry Beach Retreat Center, in Saco, Maine. Led by authors/coaches Gail McMeekin and Deb Knox, the Soul Path Renewal Retreat uses the wisdom of SoulCollage and spiritual autobiography to spark creative inspirations and life/work transitions, and serenity.
The theme of the workshop is Love in Action. McMeekin and Knox have ties with the Unitarian Universalist churches and are delighted to be helping people renew their spirits and deepen their capacity for creative expression.
The workshop will be interactive and varied, using combinations of writing exercises, SoulCollage card making, visualizations, journaling, work in dyads and small groups, meditations and more. Participants do not need to have writing or artistic talent to participate fully in this group. All materials will be provided by the facilitators; however, it is recommended that participants bring a personal journal and any images that they wish to explore. Meals are included in the cost of tuition.
Cost: $332 for conference fee and all meals; housing is separate and varies by lodging options. Location: 5 Morris Ave., Saco, Maine. For more information, call 207-282-4489, email [email protected] or visit