Free Talk on Bruno Groening Spiritual Healing Method

Bruno Groening
The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends is presenting a free lecture by Dr. Wolfgang Vogelsberger, a chronic pain specialist from Germany, on an approach to spiritual healing. The talk will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m., April 14, at the Boston Center for Adult Education.
The presentation is based on the work of Bruno Groening, who was known in Germany for his extraordinary healing successes. He attracted wide public attention in 1949, after a man announced that his son had been healed of muscular dystrophy through Groening’s help. Today, more than 80,000 people worldwide are reported to be practicing these teachings through the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends.
Vogelsberger will present Groening’s approach to spiritual healing and share documented, current reports of severe, chronic and reportedly incurable diseases that were healed through these methods. Attendees will be shown how to access and use healing energy for themselves.
Cost: Free, and donations accepted. Location: 122 Arlington St., Boston. For more information, call 413-531-6677 or visit