Cecile Raynor, Ph.D., of Off-The-Mat-Yoga

Cecile Raynor is a certified Alexander Technique teacher, Thai yoga therapist and a Kriya Yoga Initiate, with 30 years of meditation, plus yoga and dance practice. She has been writing about and teaching the mind/body foundation of natural movements, and in less than a year’s time, 6,000 viewers in 90 countries read OffTheMatYogaBlog. com. She especially likes helping yoga practitioners get the best out of their yoga and prevent injuries on and off the mat.
Services provided: Alexander Technique private lessons, Thai yoga massage therapy, Spiritual Life coaching, Meditation, workshops and classes.
Areas of specialty: Teaches a skill that leads to relief of neck, shoulders back and joints discomfort or pain; improvement of posture, balance and coordination; headache relief; confidence build-up; and stress management.
Healing/healthy living philosophy: “I believe in the efficiency and power of our Living Body-Wisdom, which allows our mind, body and soul to work effortlessly in togetherness so that given what we were born with, we can age as gracefully and healthily as possible,” says Cecile.
Cecile Raynor, Ph.D., of Off-The-Mat-Yoga, 33A Harvard St., Brookline Village. For more information, call 617-359-7841 or visit OffTheMatYogaBlog.com and AlexanderTec.com.