Priscilla Gale, of Sacred Song Reiki

Priscilla Gale is a Reiki master of three traditions: Usui-Tibetan Enhanced, Karuna and Shamballa as well as a master/teacher of Blue Moon Isis Healing, a Bars practitioner, Reconnective Healing practitioner, Magnified Healing practitioner and Reconnection Healing practitioner. She holds her master certification in Himalayan singing bowls and is a crystal singing bowl practitioner. Sound healing with Reiki harmonizes and enhances the body-mind-spirit connection and can boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, decrease stress hormones and relieve chronic aches and pains.
Services provided: Reiki, sound healing, sound healing with Reiki, reconnective healing, magnified healing, Blue Moon Isis healing, private and group meditations, voice and piano lessons.
Areas of specialty: Stress, fibromyalgia, migraines, anxiety, pre-surgery/post surgery, strengthened immune system, chronic aches and pains, difficulty sleeping.
Healing/healthy living philosophy: Priscilla says, “I address illness from the physical to the etheric, spiritual and emotional, and am dedicated and committed to meet each individual where they are, assisting them in achieving their fullest potential.”
Priscilla Gale, Sacred Song Reiki, 22 Circuit Dr., Stow, MA, and 265 Carriage Crossing, Middletown, CT. For more information, call 978-897-8846, email [email protected] or visit