Float into Well-being with Sensory Deprivation
Nov 29, 2014 02:04PM ● By Tina Brigitini
Floatation therapy, also known as sensory deprivation, is a different experience for everyone who tries it. The most common result, however, is deep relaxation and rejuvenation. While floatation therapy has been available in the area since 2002, Massachusetts is just starting to awaken to the phenomena of floatation which is already popular in such states as California and Oregon, where people might travel for several hours to float in a womblike space that offers an escape from the stresses of life, the speed of technology and the endless list of to dos.
There is no preparation required to step into a flotation tank, but it can be helpful to avoid caffeine prior to floating for greater mental and physical relaxation. The tank is filled with nine inches of a solution that contains water and more than 800 pounds of Epsom salt, which creates the ability to become completely buoyant. Each float is unique to the individual, and the benefits can include a deeper meditative state, pain relief, greater calm and focus, enhanced creativity and more clarity around goal setting and problem solving.
Once someone is immersed in the tank, the mind begins the process of deleting old files, allowing solutions to everyday challenges to appear. As the body releases tension and pain, more space becomes available for creativity to flood in. Floating in complete isolation, with no light or other sensory stimuli, one’s mind is able to let go and travel beyond physical sensations. Floating is restorative, and many people emerge from the tank with a newfound feeling of inner peace, clarity and purpose. The benefits of floating grow exponentially when it is done regularly.
Tina Brigitini is owner of Crystalline Awaken, located in West Boylston. For more information, call 508-612-7488 or visit CrystallineAwaken.com.