DVD News: Groundbreaking Documentary on the Role of Biofilms in Chronic Disease

Why Am I Still Sick?, The Silent Role of Biofilms in Chronic Disease and the companion film Epiphanies in Microbial Infections are groundbreaking documentaries exploring a new disease model on a scientific and human level. These cutting-edge films present current scientific evidence linking hospital infections, sinusitis, periodontal disease, middle ear infections, tonsillitis, COPD, diabetic foot wounds, osteomyelitis, Lyme disease and cystic fibrosis to the omnipresence of biofilms in human beings.
Expert interviews reveal how biofilms encase bacteria and microbes of many types, exploit the immune system and resist antibiotic treatment, causing chronic diseases that affect more than 17 million people annually and kill as many people as cancer.
“There is no other distillation of high-quality intelligence anywhere on this neglected science,” says Richard Longland, the film’s producer, who was diagnosed with a systemic bacterial infection three years after a 2004 spinal surgery and used both prescriptive and naturopathic agents to rid his body of systemic bacterial biofilms. “It explains why and how microbes are winning the war against us and what we can do to find balance and better health.”
Patient’s stories and striking graphics demonstrate a compelling and obvious message: biofilm infections are a vastly gargantuan problem that has been overlooked by American society, and we as a nation are paying a terrible price. Although the film paints a grim picture of diagnostics within the American medical system, it also presents solutions through breakthroughs in molecular diagnostics, treatments and biofilm innovations that prevent chronic suffering and save lives and limbs.
To learn more and order the DVD set, visit WhyAmIStillSick.com.