Ride to Raise Funds for Groton Wellness’ Free Wellness Project
Groton Wellness and Groton Community Foundation are hosting a family event, called Ride for Wellness, from 1 to 4 p.m., May 31, along the Nashua River Rail Trail to raise funds for The Free Wellness Project. Participants can ride bikes, scooters, inline skates or horses—or can simply walk, if desired—to raise funds for the ambitious project that aims to create a program that gives back to the community and provides free wellness consultation and treatment to individuals that are unable to pay for much-needed private, supplemental health care.
Groton Wellness’ medical practitioners are volunteering their time one Saturday afternoon per month to treat patients that qualify for this medical assistance program. The money raised for this project will go directly toward the cost of prescribed treatments, which will include a wide range of herbal and natural supplements and tinctures.
Check-in takes place between 1 and 1:30 p.m. at Groton Dunstable Middle School, at which time participants turn in donation collections and sponsor sheets and in exchange receive a T-shirt and other gifts. Riders depart at 2 p.m. for a onemile ride to the Common Street entrance of the rail trail, then participants ride along the 11-mile course for any amount of time as long as they return to check out by 4 p.m.
Cost: $25. Location: Groton Dunstable Middle School, 344 Main St. (Rte. 119), Groton. For more information and to register, visit GrotonWellness.com/Ride-Free-Wellness.