Workshop to Get In Touch, On Track with Creative Passions

Certified Positive Psychology Coach Kim Childs presents an Introduction to The Artist’s Way from 2 to 3:30 p.m., February 15, at The Arlington Center, in Arlington. The workshop features exercises and a discussion based on the book The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, by Julia Cameron.
Childs says that her workshops are for anyone who wants to expand or explore their creativity, eliminate unproductive habits and make time for what they truly love. “The Artist’s Way affirms the creative spark in everyone, whether we long to paint, write, make music, cook gourmet feasts or start a small business or nonprofit,” says Childs. “People often think that they need to call themselves artists to do this work, but it’s really about reclaiming passions, overcoming self-sabotage and procrastination and making life our canvas.”
Cost: $18. Location: The Arlington Center, 369 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington. To register, call 781-316-0282 or visit To learn more about ongoing workshops on The Artist’s Way, call 617-640-3813, email Kim@KimChilds. com or visit