Shambhala at Karmê Chöling: Meditation, Culture, Community

Steeped in more than 40 years of contemplative practices, Karmê Chöling, in Northeast Vermont, offers retreats and programs that can awaken individuals to a deeper sense of self and community, restore one’s natural state of well-being and uncover the compassion and wisdom inherent in each of us.
Karmê Chöling hosts a large residential community, living and working on more than 700 acres of rolling Vermont countryside. The peaceful and secluded land includes a one-acre organic vegetable and flower garden, woodland walking trails and limitless stars that fill the night skies.
It is one of the largest rural retreat centers of Shambhala, a global network of more than 200 urban meditation and nine rural contemplative communities. Each aspires to create a more compassionate and sustainable world based on the view that every human being has fundamental goodness, warmth and wakefulness.
With a focus on meditation, contemplative arts, community, interaction with the seasons and a deep connection to the rhythms of the Earth, Karmê Chöling offers a vibrant and energetic culture—one filled with appreciation, genuineness, natural interconnectedness and humor. Programs include introductory and advanced meditation, mindful and sustainable living, personal and social transformation, awakened leadership, mind and body disciplines, contemplative arts, a family camp, teen retreats and children’s programs, organic garden internships and apprenticeships, and residential and cabin retreats.
Karmê Chöling offers residential staffing opportunities, volunteer programs and community gatherings that bring people from all walks of life together to explore the possibilities of creating a sane and wholesome society. It is also home to the Mukpo Institute, a three-month residential study program that connects traditional wisdom teachings with the personal lives and real-world concerns of its students.
“Shambhala vision is universal. It has no bias towards one type of culture or group. It is not ethnocentric and does not encourage one specific kind of person, race or religion. Shambhala vision promotes universality in relationship to basic goodness. All human beings are basically good and an enlightened society, at various levels of manifestation, can occur in any culture.” ~Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Shambhala International
Barnet, Vermont • 802-633-2384 • [email protected] •