Try 15 Days of Fearless Living

Board-certified holistic health coach Dillan DiGiovanni, of Somerville, will present his 15 Days of Fearless Living program, beginning February 1. The free, online program will offer participants daily readings and challenges via email, inspiring them to overcome blocks and see what they can accomplish by stepping outside their comfort zones. Challenges will include cooking new foods, abstaining from refined sugar for a day and creating a list of ideal qualities in a life partner. DiGiovanni and other participants will provide support via a forum for sharing triumphs and fears. “Fear is a universal human experience and something we can all relate to,” says DiGiovanni. “I’ve overcome many fears, including addressing truths about my identity and starting my own business. We actualize our potential when we cast aside our fears and limiting beliefs and do the thing we think we cannot do.”
DiGiovanni specializes in supporting LGBTQ people and their families through his practice, Savor Your Existence Integrative Health.
For more information and to register for the Fearless Living program, call 617-510-2534 or visit