Universal Prosperity: A Peaceful Perspective Occupies Wall Street

A Peaceful Perspective Occupies Wall Street
The Occupy Wall Street movement has succeeded in spotlighting the growing economic gap between sectors of the American populace, yet the grassroots protest is also being criticized for its lack of clear demands and goals. A more focused approach, grounded in more positive intention, is being led by the New York Meditation Mob.
From June to August this year, the group held daily meditations in front of the New York Stock Exchange, creating a patch of calmness and peace along an otherwise busy sidewalk. Organizer Anthony Finno says, “Our intention was for [embracing] conscious prosperity, and to practice acceptance and tolerance on Wall Street.”
A week into the Occupy Wall Street movement, New York Med Mob organizers remobilized for a meditation flash mob at the park where the occupation was taking place. Meditations continue to take place there twice a week.
The Med Mob movement facilitates meditation flash mobs in public places around the world. Their mission is to foster an environment in which people from all religions, worldviews and experience levels unite in meditation.
A global meditation flash mob is scheduled for November 5 (Tinyurl.com/
44jrp8x). Communities around the world are encouraged to participate; events already are planned in Austin, Texas; Los Angeles; New York City; Orlando; and Paris.
For more information, visit MedMob.org or OccupyTheNet.com.
Photo: Jessa Johnson/City Life Wellness