CSL Southcoastal MA Class Series - Change Your Thinking
Change your Thinking - Change your Life This course is designed to uncover beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors around relationships, money, and health.
Hello Everyone, We hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall days! We are offering a class series, "Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life," starting this month! This course is designed to uncover beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors around relationships, money, and health. Using powerful spiritual tools and narrative, discover how to improve in the areas that you desire and grow in areas that are already fulfilling. JOIN US OCTOBER 13th, Thursday at 6:30 with Barbara M Fuyat RscP, and Char Cover, RScP to learn more about the course. LINK TO CLASS: https://bit.ly/CSLClasses
NO ENROLLMENT REQUIRED for the informational class on the 13th but please reply to Barbara at [email protected] or Char Cover, RScP at [email protected] with questions and if planning to attend! Visit our website at www.cslsouthcoast.org for this upcoming event! Be well, Barbara & Char
Date & Time
Weekly on Thursday
Oct 13, 2022 through Dec 01, 2022
6:30PM - 8:00PM
Participating Businesses
Center for Spiritual Living Southcoastal, MA Teaching Chapter