Jun 29, 2018 12:01PM
Natural pools, which may be built of stone and clay and filtered with aquatic plants, turn out to be both eco-friendly and price competitive compared to conventional swimming pools.
A massive pioneering program in Brazil will protect more than 231,000 square miles in the Amazon River basin by tying local economies to conservation measures.
May 31, 2018 11:41AM
Middle-aged women doing 30 minutes a day of specific facial muscle movements looked an average of two-and-a-half years younger in 20 weeks.
Exercising 30 to 60 minutes three times a week improved healthy gut microbes in people even without dietary changes.
Spending just 15 minutes away from a device reduced unhealthy intense emotions in young adults, reports a University of Rochester study.
Over half of teenagers that have consumed energy drinks report experiencing nausea, increased heartbeat and other negative health consequences.
After a polluting coal-fired power plant was shut down, women living 30 miles downwind had a 28 percent lower chance of a pre-term birth.
British researchers have discovered why DNA mutation results from alcoholic consumption that’s linked to seven types of cancer.
Two studies have found that mangoes fight inflammation and have properties useful in treating gastrointestinal disease.
In separate studies, virgin coconut oil, walnut oil and camlina oil improved cholesterol levels, making them good alternatives to olive oil.
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