Feb 28, 2017 12:25PM
After 52 percent of voters gave a thumbs-up, California is banning all single-use plastic bags, which have numbered a whopping 25 million daily.
Fish farms in backyards and pools throughout Africa are boosting incomes for 10 million people and improving the diets of 200 million more.
Coffee can be relished even more when it’s made with low-energy coffeemakers, is sustainably grown and equipment and accessories are recyclable.
On April 26, more than 3.5 million American workplaces will open to their doors to their employees’ children for memory-making experiences sure to last a lifetime.
Feb 28, 2017 11:55AM
Rather than spraying steroids up our nose, there are a number of herbs that when absorbed by the membranes of the nasal passageways can enter the cells and cause them to produce their own antihistamines.
Jan 31, 2017 12:46PM
A Swedish study found that 15-year-olds that had been exposed as 1-year-olds to high levels of air pollutants had more difficulty getting air through their lungs.
Israelis facing surgery that received reflexology massages, acupuncture and guided imagery exercises beforehand experienced a 60 percent drop in anxiety levels.
Nutritional supplements sales are growing nationwide, in spite of the fact that up to a fifth of U.S. adults often pass them up for fortified foods.
A Chinese study pooling 47 clinical trials concluded that Chinese herbs are a safe, effective remedy that work either with antidepressants or alone.
Data from nine clinical studies found that oral doses of aloe vera reduced two common markers of Type 2 diabetes.
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