Nov 27, 2019 09:30AM
Research finds that consuming culinary mushrooms three times a week can lower the chance of developing prostate cancer by 17 percent.
Oct 31, 2019 09:30AM
A hibiscus flower extract selectively kills off triple-negative breast cancer cells, one of the most difficult to treat types.
Researchers found that people with diets rich in vitamin A had a significantly reduced risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) skin cancer.
Jun 28, 2019 12:38PM
Women with breast cancer that ate a handful of walnuts daily for two weeks experienced a change in gene expression that suppressed the tumor growth.
Dec 27, 2018 01:42PM
Europeans eating foods with lower nutritional quality had a significantly greater incidence of certain types of cancer.
Nov 30, 2018 04:19PM
Spaniards exposed to the most blue light via white streetlight LEDs and screens on tablets and phones have up to twice the risk of prostate and breast cancer.
Oct 31, 2018 12:04PM
New studies from Italy and China confirm the ability of certain nutrients in pumpkins to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Aug 31, 2018 01:19PM
Soil contains bacteria that kills melanoma cancer cells, say Oregon State University researchers.
A naturally occurring compound found abundantly in wild berries increases the cancer-fighting ability of sirtuin 6 enzymes.
Jul 31, 2018 01:13PM
A diet rich in fish, potatoes, fruit, vegetables, legumes and olive oil significantly lowered the risk of aggressive prostate cancer in older Spanish men.
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