Aug 31, 2016 01:44PM
Multiple sclerosis patients that underwent pulsed-frequency electrotherapy improved their scores in nine of 10 categories of functional abilities.
In a British study of twins, those that consumed the most fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C developed fewer cataracts than their sibling.
Faced with rising consumer resistance to High-Fructose Corn Syrup, the corn refiners industry has created the terms “fructose syrup” or just “fructose” to hide its intense use in processed foods.
At more than 20 medical schools, doctors-to-be are learning about healthy diets and food preparation, often in hands-on cooking classes.
Students in a South Carolina school learn their spelling and math by rotating through 15 stations that combine learning exercises with play-ready basketball hoops or exercise bikes.
Serbian soccer players who took astaxanthin daily for three months recovered more quickly from muscle exertion and had lower rates of inflammation than a control group.
Aug 31, 2016 01:43PM
A South African vineyard uses Indian runner ducks to devour the snails that would otherwise consume delicate grape vine buds.
Lockheed Martin scientists are well-along in developing a safe nuclear-fusion reactor small enough to fit on the back of a truck and powerful enough to power 80,000 homes.
Organized opposition is building in key states to the environmentally risky practice of fracking, which continues to contaminate large volumes of precious drinking water supplies.
In a four-night University of Chicago study, young adults getting only four-and-a-half hours of sleep a night were significantly hungrier afterwards and more likely to snack heavily in the afternoon.
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