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Natural Awakenings Greater Boston - Rhode Island

Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton: Providing Cutting-Edge Therapies

Jul 31, 2024 09:31AM ● By Wendy Nadherny Fachon

Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton (MASH) leads New England in integrative veterinary care with services, such as Ozone Therapy (OT), Ultraviolet Blood Therapy (UVBI) and Microbiome Restorative Therapy (MBRT), some of the most innovative approaches to animal healing.

Dr. Margo Roman

Inflammation, swelling, infection and bruising hold high amounts of CO2 within the tissue. OT delivers oxygen into the tissue and displaces the CO2 to alleviate these afflictions. Recognized worldwide, MASH owner Dr. Margo Roman has used ozone for treating acute and chronic viral diseases, because it acts as a virucidal agent, and also bacterial diseases, including those that fail to respond to antibiotics. These bacterial diseases include Lyme, leptospirosis and antimicrobial resistant infection. Ozone is also helpful to treat an allergic response from the inhalation of molds, dust and other allergens. In combination with the UVBI which potentiates the ozone, it can be used as an effective adjunct to high-PH therapy for leukemias, lymphomas and other malignancies.

MASH administers OT in numerous ways—in body bagging, bagging of the affected limb, inhalation,  rectal insufflation or ear insufflation. It can be given by direct intravenous or subcutaneous administration of ozonated saline. Treatments usually require several consecutive days or weeks. OT can be done in the office and many of the pet owners can learn and do them at home on their own pets with their own medical ozone generator. It relieves pain and allows the tissue to heal as it’s bathed in oxygen. Clients are pleased with the results. It has so many uses.

UVBI boosts the immune system by combining ozone therapy with an animal’s blood, a small amount of heparin and Biocean, which has trace minerals from the bottom the ocean. The mixture is pushed through ultraviolet light within a crystal cuvette, and the photoluminescence stimulates healthy cells and destroys and weaken viruses.

MBRT helps reboot an animal’s immune system. In human medicine, this form of therapy is known as a Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT). One hundred trillion microbes live in a normal human body, and there are over 700 species in the mouth alone. There may be 4,000 species in the body. These healthy microbes are in a symbiotic balance that allows the body to stay healthy. Similarly, pets need these microbes to strengthen their immune systems.

When there is an imbalance of these microbes and overgrowth of species due to antibiotics, pesticides or any other chemical, illness can occur. An MBRT will reintroduce a healthy biome from a vital and thriving dog or cat and try to reestablish the hundreds of species that are needed. This can be administered with an oral infusion/capsule or through an enema. The therapy is supported with high-quality nutrition, probiotics, digestive enzymes and additional nutraceuticals to enable the new microbiome to have a healthy home. Transplant donors are balanced generational dogs and cats that live in chemical-free homes and yards, have never had any pesticides or antibiotics and are fed a fresh, organic, raw diet. Donors have had limited vaccinations and are screened for intestinal parasites.

Associate veterinarian Rebecca Soco, DVM, says, “Here at MASH, we focus on healing our animal patients’ underlying issues instead of focusing on managing symptoms. This usually starts with healing the gut, and we can heal the gut better than anyone.”

Location: 72 W. Main St., Hopkinton, MA. For more information, call 508-435-4077, email [email protected] or visit

Wendy Nadherny Fachon is a frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine.