2024 Rhode Island Farm Scavenger Hunt

The Rhode Island Farm Scavenger Hunt is now underway through the end of this year. Enjoy fun adventures while supporting state farmers and visit many local farms to obtain delicious produce with the opportunity of winning valuable prizes by participating.
Fliers contain a “game board” that features a map with photos of the 30 participating farms. Visit a farm on the map and match the picture clue with the farm. Each farm will provide a sticker (or use the special hole punch) to mark off the correct farm. Participants must visit at least 20 farms to be eligible for a prize. Completed fliers must be returned to program presenters, the Rhode Island Farm Bureau (RIFB), by January 31, 2025, to be eligible for prizes. All prizes will be awarded next spring as the 2025 Scavenger Hunt begins.
The Farm Bureau is a free, independent, nongovernmental and voluntary organization of farm and ranch families united to analyze agricultural problems and formulate action to achieve educational awareness and social advancement and, thereby, promote national well-being.
Fliers contain a “game board” that features a map with photos of the 30 participating farms. Visit a farm on the map and match the picture clue with the farm. Each farm will provide a sticker (or use the special hole punch) to mark off the correct farm. Participants must visit at least 20 farms to be eligible for a prize. Completed fliers must be returned to program presenters, the Rhode Island Farm Bureau (RIFB), by January 31, 2025, to be eligible for prizes. All prizes will be awarded next spring as the 2025 Scavenger Hunt begins.
The Farm Bureau is a free, independent, nongovernmental and voluntary organization of farm and ranch families united to analyze agricultural problems and formulate action to achieve educational awareness and social advancement and, thereby, promote national well-being.
Visit rifb.org/rhode-island-farmscavenger-hunt or the RIFB office at
16 Nooseneck Hill Rd., Ste. B, West
Greenwich, RI, for a list of participating
farms and a flier.