Be a Part of the 2024 Healthy Living Directory

Natural Awakenings’ 2024 Healthy Living Directory for the Greater Boston area and state of Rhode Island is coming in March (2024). This special annual directory serves as a handy reference guide for readers to keep at their fingertips all year long when searching for the products and services that can aid in living a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.
In this popular resource issue, readers can easily find a practitioner by specialty index. Business profiles provide in-depth information, highlighting the wealth of local health resources in our community that support a healthier, natural path to wellness.
Profiles will appear in a special section of the March directory issue, at, and be promoted in monthly emails. Participation is easy: simply fill out the submission forms online. The deadline to be included in this special edition is February 7, 2024.
Publisher Maisie Raftery says, “Our readers look to Natural Awakenings for services and products to support their naturally, healthy lifestyle. Make sure you are listed in this section’s featured directory. Being in the Natural Awakenings Annual Healthy Living Directory edition is a must for businesses offering healthy and/or sustainable products and services.”
For more information, call 617-906-0232 or 401-226-1552. For examples of past profiles or to easily submit information, visit