Dietary Diversity: Try the 30-Plant Challenge
Dec 30, 2022 09:31AM ● By Alora Frederick
the new year comes new intentions for improving health and well-being.
According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, only around half of the
people that make New Year’s resolutions are successful. Of all the resolutions
made, more than half are related to health. What may distinguish a successful
resolution from an unsuccessful one is whether or not it is SMART: specific,
measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. The numerous New Year’s diets,
detoxes and cleanses are not attainable and relevant. A temporary, extreme
change in dietary changes does not merit lasting, sustainable results.
Fortunately, there are SMART and simple resolutions that will merit beneficial
health outcomes that last.
A common New Year’s resolution is to “eat
healthier”, but this is not specific enough to create significant change.
Alternatively, a SMART goal would be to participate in the 30-Plant Challenge.
The 30-Plant Challenge is the simple yet specific goal of incorporating at
least 30 different plant foods into our diet each week. This not only includes
fruits and vegetables but also encompasses grains, beans, nuts, seeds, herbs
and spices.
This challenge was born from the research
done by The American Gut Microbiome Project. This project has found that a diet
with a variety of fibers and resistant starches supports a more diverse
microbiome. Microbial diversity is key for the
well-being of the microbiome, which also translates to the well-being of the
whole body. Their research also found that eating at least 30 plants a week
increases short-chain fatty acid-producing bacteria. Increased short-chain
fatty acid production will greatly aid in many health-related New Year’s
resolutions. This is because they improve intestinal cell health, support the
immune system, decrease inflammation, decrease the risk of colorectal cancer
and support a healthy metabolism.
30-Plant Challenge does not omit animal-based foods, rather it places an
emphasis on consuming a variety of plant-based foods. Additionally, there is
some flexibility with the timeline of the challenge from as short as one week
to one month at the start. Eventually, the goal would be to regularly
incorporate at least 30 plant-based foods on a weekly basis. However, each
individual should strive to take it one week at a time in order to prevent
overwhelm and retraction of the resolution. What makes the 30-Plant Challenge
different than other dietary programs is that it can be completely
personalized. The 30-Plant Challenge can work for any personal preference for
food, cultural food choices or dietary restrictions. As long as 30 different
plants are consumed, it does not matter which plant-based foods they are.
The approach and structure of the challenge
can also be tailored to the individual. The plant foods could be divided
equally to eat four to five different plants a day, or several in a smoothie or
single meal. Smoothies could easily incorporate fruits, vegetables, nuts and
seeds; for example, a mixed berry smoothie with almond butter, chia, flax and
spinach. Warming up with soup is another practical way to load up on plant
foods. There could easily be 10-plus plant foods in a single soup recipe.
The 30-Plant Challenge is the perfect way
to create dietary diversity, improve well-being and participate in a New Year’s
resolution that will stick.
Frederick, RDN, LDN, is an integrative and functional dietitian in Waltham, MA.
She is currently accepting new patients at JohnsonCompounding and Wellness for virtual
nutrition appointments. Schedule a free,15-minute
introductory call at