Sustainable Home Products

Here are three Natural Awakenings staff-tested sustainable
home products that support healthy living and a healthy planet.
Aspen Clean carries a line of biodegradable, plastic-free laundry and
dishwasher pods which are a big step towards a plastic-free future. Made with
vegan ingredients that have never been tested on animals, products are
hypoallergenic, free of toxic chemicals, yet tough on stains and dried on food.
Wad-Free for Bed Sheets is a reusable tool that eliminates the tangling, twisting and
balling up of bed sheets during laundry cycles. Washing machines stay balanced
for cleaner loads, and bed sheets dry 75 percent faster, saving time, energy
and money.
Infinity X1 is a line of flashlights with hybrid power technology that drives
incredible brightness and optical clarity. Designed with two cores: one is a
rechargeable battery; the other holds disposable batteries, and the cores can
be swapped out as needed to ensure power coverage during an emergency
situation. A USB output serves as an emergency charger for a smartphone or
another small electronic device.