Self Care: The Common Denominator

One of the core missions at Natural Awakenings has
been a desire to meet readers wherever they may
be on their journey of living a healthier lifestyle.
Whether one is an herbivore, omnivore, carnivore,
a walker, or a marathon runner, the point is there’s
never a one-size-fits-all solution for anything in
this life ... except perhaps an oversized sleep shirt.
This point struck me on a walk recently as I
looked at the varied ways my lifestyle has changed
and fluctuated over the past 12 years. I didn’t come
into publishing a healthy lifestyle magazine being great, or even good at
living a healthy lifestyle. Trust me, there’s still a long way to go!
I knew that there was the desire to learn more and assist others,
who seek solutions, find information and those who may support them
on the path.
Reflecting on the materials shared between these pages each month,
it seems the common denominator among most of the information and
resources provided boils down to one thing … self-care.
Self-care, which I now believe is a fundamental tenet of fast-tracking
one’s way to living a healthier and more balanced life, simply cannot be
overlooked. By self-care, I mean living in a more conscious way; making
choices specifically designed to improve quality of life, whatever that
may be for the individual.
In “Healing Trauma: Emerging Therapies Offer Fresh Hope,” writer
Ronica O’Hara shares the staggering statistics that “show that as many
as 60 to 70 percent of people report being traumatized by sexual assault,
accidents, violence, war combat or other causes,” in the U.S.
That’s nearly three-quarters of the population in need of trauma
healing on some level. O’Hara goes on to provide a variety of treatment
options for trauma victims to be explored.
If you recognize yourself as needing support for past or current
trauma, I encourage you to keep your eyes and mind open to the
possibility that relief may be just around the bend. Whether you find
it within these pages, scrolling social media or in conversation with a
neighbor, there is hope and help available. Persistence is key.
My hope is for the expansion of compassion in our world. Regardless
of our myriad differences, we’re all simply doing the best we can with
what life has served up to this point.
A safe and happy summer to all!

Maisie Raftery, Publisher