Functional Foods to Balance Hormones
Apr 30, 2021 09:31AM ● By Tamara Luck
hormones are a complex, yet interconnected web of signaling molecules that
impact almost every aspect of our well-being. The food on our forks modulates
estrogen and progesterone, and is responsible for maintaining our sexual
health, bone density, metabolism, energy and more.
one of two primary women’s sex hormones, is mainly responsible for the
development of the reproductive system. While estrogen plays many important
roles in the body, too much estrogen, relative to progesterone, can worsen PMS,
cause bloating, breast tenderness and swelling, decrease sex drive, cause
fibroids and even increase breast cancer risk over time. Additionally,
imbalanced, fluctuating estrogen levels are often at play in hot flashes.
Having optimal estrogen is reflected by having levels balanced with
progesterone and other hormones, and by being easily detoxified from the body
after performing its responsibilities throughout the body.
women have some degree of estrogen dominance, often exacerbated by chronic
stress, sluggish detoxification in the liver, slow toxin excretion in the gut
(constipation), and endocrine-disrupting chemicals, like the BPA found in the
plastic of food containers or on receipt papers.
effects can be combatted by supporting estrogen
levels through the consumption of cruciferous vegetables, which naturally
promote estrogen detoxification and balance. Cruciferous vegetables, such as
broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, spinach and cabbage, contain a
compound called 3,3-Diindolylmethane, or DIM. This compound has been shown to
reduce high estrogen levels and support estrogen detox in the liver, which
helps balance estrogen levels overall. DIM has also been shown to be
chemoprotective, leading to lower risk of breast cancer over time.
Another important compound in cruciferous vegetables is
sulforaphane which also reduces excess estrogen and helps boost antioxidant
activity in the body. Women struggling with severe PMS symptoms, should try to
incorporate one to two additional servings of cruciferous vegetables per day
for the two weeks before her period. This can help reduce excess estrogen and
lighten the severity of PMS symptoms. Lastly, these vegetables contain
magnesium, which can help to reduce muscle cramping that may occur before or
during a women’s period.
food group that promotes hormone balance is seeds. Seeds such as flax, hemp and
chia provide minerals and essential omega-3 fatty acids that support estrogen
and progesterone production. Omega-3s are also anti-inflammatory, helping to
decrease menstrual pain. Flax seeds contain a phytoestrogen known as lignans.
Lignans have a balancing effect on estrogen and have been shown in research
articles to help menstruating women and postmenopausal women balance their
hormones at doses as low as one tablespoon per day.
meal is an opportunity to support hormonal balance by adding in hormone
supporting nutrients, like DIM or omega-3s. Focusing on nourishing foods will
also help to crowd out foods that may interfere with hormonal balance. For
example, highly processed foods that contain large amounts of sugar can promote
inflammation and increase androgens, like testosterone, in women. Instead of
packaged sugary sweets, opt for a homemade flax banana bread or fruit, like
blueberries for antioxidants.
Tamara Luck,
RDN, LDN, is an integrative and functional dietitian in Waltham, MA. She is
currently accepting new patients at Johnson Compounding and Wellness for
virtual nutrition appointments. Schedule a free, 15-minute introductory call at