Action Alert: State legislators will host a public hearing to curb the use of toxic pesticides

State legislators will host a public hearing at 1 p.m., November 12, at the Massachusetts State House, in Boston, on a slate of proposed laws to curb the use of toxic pesticides in Massachusetts. This hearing provides a rare opportunity to educate lawmakers and to demonstrate the depth of statewide support for action on pesticides. Creating a high volume of activity—testimony, hearing attendance and general buzz—increases the perceived importance of a given bill/issue, and thus its likelihood of passing.
Bills being heard by the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture include:
Improving Pesticide Protections for Massachusetts School Children (H.791) would limit the list of pesticides allowed to be applied near schools and childcare centers in Massachusetts to only those that are considered minimum risk by the Environmental Protection Agency or certified organic.
The Pollinator Protection Act (H.763) would end consumer use of the pollinator-killing pesticides known as neonicotinoids. This bill currently has more than 75 percent of the legislature signed on as cosponsors, but unfortunately it will still be a challenge to overcome the objections of the chemical industry.
Several other important bills will be heard which would restrict the use of pesticides statewide and restore the power of cities and towns to control pesticides in their own communities.
Location: Massachusetts State House, Rm. A-2, 24 Beacon St., Boston. For more information, visit