Resolve Neck and Back Pain with Rolfing Structural Integration

The human body was not designed to be hunched for hours in the same position, whether at a computer at work or watching TV at home. This static position develops poor posture that can cause as much trouble as repetitive motions that strain muscles.
When we sit for long periods, the resulting shape gets locked in the body’s fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, like vacuum packing. In sitting, the hip flexors are shortened, the spine is often compressed, and if we are at a desk, our head is likely thrust forward, weighing on the neck and back. When locked in place by a habitual posture, the fascia loses its resilience and we feel trapped in a pattern that stresses our muscles, joints and nerves, causing discomfort, pain and ongoing poor posture.
Stretching or other exercise is not always a practical solution. A great way to jump-start a positive change is a series of Rolfing Structural Integration sessions. In this hands-on method, a Certified Advanced Rolfer evaluates the body’s alignment—identifying how the fascia is restricted, causing pain and posture problems—and frees it to sculpt the body back into its natural state of balance and ease, mainly using hands and forearms. These experts also advise patients on bett er sitting posture and more efficient body movement.
Source: Anne F. Hoff, certified advanced Rolfer and member of the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration faculty in Boulder, CO. For more information on Rolfing, call the Rolf Institute at 303-449-5903 or visit