May Coaching Discounts for Natural Awakenings Readers

Kim Childs
Kim Childs, Certified Positive Psychology Coach and owner of Take the Leap Coaching in Arlington, is celebrating her second anniversary by offering Natural Awakenings readers a discount on life or career coaching.
“The clients who find me in Natural Awakenings are among my favorites,” says Childs. “They are often holistically minded and open to making the changes needed to create a more authentic and inspired life. I also have a special fondness for the magazine, having been involved since it launched in Boston five years ago.”
Throughout May, Childs will offer a 10 percent discount on coaching packages to readers that mention this article. Initial consultations are free and conducted via phone, Skype or in her Arlington office.
“I love to help people clarify their deepest needs and desires and identify resources—inner and outer—to take inspired action with accountability and support,” says Childs. “It’s a rare person who can successfully navigate major life changes alone, and coaches are wonderful aides on the journey.”
Location: 1025 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington. For more information, call 617-640- 3813 or visit