Tam Veilleux : Success Coach

Transformational success coach Tam Veilleux uses Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), known as tapping, to help the human body release trapped emotions. Once released, the person can then retrain the mind to move forward with more clarity and negative internal interference. When properly implemented, the EFT process works especially fast; combine it with successful and strategic coaching for high-level results.
Services provided: One-on-one private sessions, group coaching and workshops conveyed virtually or in-person; digitally delivered e-courses for those that prefer to work at their own pace.
Areas of specialty: Veilleux specializes in using EFT (tapping), Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and energy exercises to connect the mind/body/spirit for optimum success and personal growth. Coaching/healthy living philosophy: “We are only limited by what we believe,” she says. “Clear the beliefs that hold you back and your chance for success is tenfold. By accessing the unconscious mind and making peace with past negative memories and patterns, we can achieve happiness, prime health and improved wealth quickly.”
Tam Veilleux, P.O. Box 116, Freeport, ME. For more information, call 470-222- 5446, email [email protected], or visit ChooseBigNow.com for a free mini-course to go from average to awesome.