Especially for Pets Donates to Pets and People Foundation

Especially for Pets has donated $7,342 to the Pets and People Foundation to support the organization’s mission of providing certified pet therapy teams to clients of nursing homes, adult care centers, assisted living facilities, halfway houses, hospices and hospitals.
“A person with Alzheimer’s disease may not respond to humans speaking, but touching the soft fur of a dog just might make them smile,” says Amy Kinne of Especially for Pets. “The act of patting a dog or cat can bring back memories of their own pet and get them talking about that faithful friend.” The Pets and People Foundation was founded in 1985 as a nonprofit volunteer organization. Volunteers provide “people therapy through pets,” with a budget that comes entirely from donations. The foundation also provides military veteran programs, reading programs at schools and libraries, stress relief events at schools and work environments, and such special events as Christmas in the City. For more information, visit
Each quarter, Especially for Pets chooses a different local nonprofit organization to receive customer donations that come from having their pets’ nails clipped at any of the store locations in Acton, Canton, Medway, Newton, Sudbury, Wayland and Westborough.
For more information, visit or