Climate Week in Brookline and Opportunities to Sign Up for Clean Energy

The Brookline chapter of Mothers Out Front is teaming up with Climate Action Brookline at the town’s fifth annual Climate Week. The event begins with a kickoff party at the Brookline Teen Center from 5 to 7 p.m., February 8, and is part of the Green Up campaign taking place from February to June.
Together with the climate activists, the mothers’ group has taken on climate change by signing up 1,000 households and businesses for clean electricity. “As the Earth’s climate spirals out of control, one can feel overwhelmed by the gravity and extent of the problem and the lack of actions available on an individual level,” says co-coordinator Daria Mark. “The Green Up campaign to sign up households and businesses offers a quick and effective way to reduce your carbon footprint by 20 to 30 percent.”
Mark says that all electricity payers in Massachusetts can sign up with the nonprofit green power supplier Mass Energy to change power generation in the state to more renewable sources. “It’s a way to feel good about the electricity powering your home,” she says, “and the premium for clean electricity is tax deductible.”
Cost: Free. Location: Brookline Teen Center, 40 Aspinwall St., Brookline. To learn more or RSVP to party, call 800- 287-3950, ext. 5 or visit campaign_kickoff_2. To learn more about making the switch to clean electricity, visit